
Whether you’ve worked with me in the past or are considering becoming a new client, please don’t hesitate to call. I’m glad to answer questions you might have about my training and experience, but more importantly to see if it feels like we’re a good fit for engaging together in addressing the issues you would like to explore.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”     Carl Jung

In my 30 years of working in my private practice here on the Mendocino coast, I’ve consulted with businesses, presented workshops, led retreats, taught college courses and served as a “coach” in several collaborative divorces..  At the heart of my work is the practice of psychotherapy with individuals, couples and families.

Compassionate & Professional

We care about you, your family, and your story. You can trust that we will treat you with respect, dignity and compassion in every interaction, while maintaining the highest standards for integrity and ethics.

Let's connect online and get started!

About Steven Siler

“Your unique about/bio excerpt will go here. This is a place where people can quickly learn a bit about how you can help them before they click through your site.”